Complaint Status

Formats for investors complaints data to be disclosed monthly by RAs on their website/mobile application:

Data for the February month ending

Sr.No. Received from  Pending at the end of last month  Received  Total Pending#  Pending complaints > 3months  Average Resolution time^ (in days)
1. Directly from Investors 00 00 00 00 00
2. SEBI (SCORE S) 01 00 01 00 20
3.  Other Sources (if any) 00 00 00 00 00
Grand Total 01 00 01 00 00
*Inclusive of complaints of previous months resolved in the current month.
#Inclusive of complaints pending as on the last day of the month.
*Average Resolution time is the sum total of time taken to resolve each complaint in days, in the current month divided by total number of complaints resolved in the current month.

Trend of monthly disposal of complaints

Sr. No Month Carried forward from previous month  Received Resolved* Pending#
1.  April-2024 00 00 00 00
2.  May-2024 00 00 00 00
3.  June-2024 00 00 00 00
4.  July-2024 00 00 00 00
5.  August-2024 00 00 00 00
6. September-2024 00 00 00 00
7. October-2024 00 05 02 03
8. November-2024 03 00 03 00
9. December-2024 00 00 00 00
10. January-2025 00 01 00 01
11. February-2025 01 00 01 00
12. March-2025 00 00 00 00
Grand Total 01 06 05 01

*Inclusive of complaints of previous months resolved in the current month.
#Inclusive of complaints pending as on the last day of the month.

Trend of annual disposal of complaints

Sr. No Month Carried forward from previous year  Received Resolved* Pending#
1. 2022-2023 00 06 06 00
2. 2023-2024 00 05 05 00
3. 2024-2025 00 06 05 01
Grand Total 00 17 16 01

*Inclusive of complaints of previous years resolved in the current year.
#Inclusive of complaints pending as on the last day of the year.

Annual Compliance Audit

Sr. No Financial Year Compliance Audit Status Remarks, if any
1. 2022-2023 Completed NA
2. 2023-2024 Completed NA